
Improving the writing process:
  1. Pre-writing Strategies
  2. Drafting Strategies
  3. Conferencing Strategies
  4. Revising Strategies
  5. Editing Strategies for Word Choice
  6. Editing Strategies for Grammar, Punctuation, and Spelling
  7. Sharing and Publishing (The Author's Chair)
Some activities to assist with writing:

Below are templates and scoring rubrics:

SPACE LAUNCH for planning narratives.

DARE to DEFEND for persuasive papers.

Give the students a blank piece of paper and a pencil. Give them an idea or have them think of one of their own. Tell the students they will have 5 minutes to write and they cannot pick up their pencil during that time. They must write whatever comes to their mind, even if it is off topic. The goal of this exercise is to get any thoughts on paper that are in their head. They do not have to make sense or use correct capitalization, grammar, or punctuation, that will come after the activity based on where you want to take it next.

Writing Portfolio
Either the process portfolio used to guide and evaluate student writing and provide data to inform specific writing instruction or a showcase portfolio used to celebrate the students published works.

Project Based Learning
This web page allows the teacher to select criteria and add your own criteria to develop a checklist or rubric for multiple writing or project assignments.

Four-Square Writing
Fold a paper into four equal squares and write a topic in the middle of the paper. In the first three squares, write details to support the topic. In the last square, write feelings or concluding statements about the topic. Then draw a picture in each box that describes the sentences. Finally use the information on the four-square writing organizer to write a complete text. This strategy can be adapted to be used with words, phrases, or whole sentences in each box.