These activities can be completed in the home or at school:
For any student a good place to start is a Running Record. (Click here for more information on a Running Record if you have never administered one.) This will give you an idea of the student's ability. Using this table (Grades 1-6) you can get an idea the student's fluency ability on grade level. Please keep in mind that although a student may have excellent fluency he/she may not comprehend what they are reading.
Activity 1:
Repeated Reading
Once the teacher or parents has found the student's instructional level (where the student can read 92-95% of the words accurately). They can begin Repeated Readings. In this activity the student reads a passage several times to improve accuracy and rate. The goal is to have the student read the passage with 95% or more accuracy. During a Repeated Reading activity I prefer not to time the student. The goal is to achieve fluency rather than speed.
- Copy a passage for the student and yourself.
- As the student reads the administrator completes a running record.
Activity 2:
Talking Books
To increase a students' vocabulary, word recognition, and fluency, have the students listen to books on tape. Ensure that the reading on tape is natural and the student is able to follow along. When listening to the book on tape the second time, have the student read with the tape. Continue to re-read the story until the student is able to read the book fluently without the tape. Once they are able to read it fluently, check for comprehension.
Activity 3:
Readers Theatre
In this activity the students dramatically interpret a play or poem. Students are assigned roles (if using a play). The students practice and rehearse their script. When the students are ready they prepare for their performance. When each person is reading their part, they need to pay close attention to accuracy, rate, expression, and phrasing. After every performance, discuss with the students the strengths of the performance and suggestions for improvements for next time.
Activity 4:
Choral Reading
Choral reading is to aid students and improve their fluency through reading aloud with other students. All students receive a copy of a poem, nursery rhyme, or a predictable book. The instructor models and reads the passage aloud, and then the students read in unison. The passage is read several times over the course of the week. The goal is to increase the students’ fluency and word recognition.
Activity 5:
High Frequency Words
High frequency words are words most commonly used in all print materials. Dr. Fry prints materials that place all the high frequency words in order. Also numerous lists can be found when searching the web. The goal is for the student is to be able to recognize these words automatically. One activity to do this is to have the student read a list of words for one minute. The goal is to read the words as quickly and accurately as possible. Here is a computer practice for high frequency words. Click here. For print materials and activities click here.
Continual practice reading aloud and listening to a fluent reader read to any developing reader is very beneficial.
See reference section for references on research based activities.