Have student visual what they are reading. Have them predict what they are about to read. Ask the students questions, while they are reading. Have the students connect the material to something they already know.
Stop n' Tell
Have the student read something they have never read before. After they read have them STOP. Tell them "Stop." in a dramatic way. Provide the student with four different stop signs:
- Stop! I predict that...
- Stop! That reminds me of...
- Stop! I'm wondering about...
- Stop! I'm picturing...
Make Movies in Your Head
Have a student close their eyes and imagine six (or any amount) of important parts of the story that they read. On a piece of paper, have the student sketch or write a separate scene for each important part. Once they complete their movie clips have them write a short title for each scene on the top of the clip. Use all the sketches or summaries to write a summary of the whole story on a separate piece of paper.
Verbalizing and Visualizing (Lindamood Bell)
The Nancibell® Visualizing and Verbalizing for Language Comprehension and Thinking® (V/V®) successfully stimulates concept imagery. Individuals become able to image gestalts which include color, and even movement. This improves their language comprehension, reasoning for critical thinking, and expressive language skills.